Here's the process for downloading long-form documents created by your team in either Word (.docx) or PDF formats.
💡 At the moment, only Leticia and Calvin have the capability to produce long-form documents.
- Head to your dashboard and start a conversation with Leticia or Calvin.
- To kick things off, just mention that you're ready to start writing a document. They will then ask for any additional details they might need from you. Once all the details are sorted out, they'll begin writing.
- Your document will be ready in just a moment or two. From there, simply click on the three-dot menu positioned at the top-right corner of the document. Choose your desired format, and you'll see a download pop-up appear.

If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team. We're here to help!
Updated: June 3rd, 2024